Details Books Concering ثلاثية غرناطة

Original Title: ثلاثية غرناطة
ISBN: 9770907375
Edition Language: Arabic URL
Characters: علي, أبو جعفر, حسن, سعد, نعيم, سليمة, مريمة
Setting: الأندلس
Literary Awards: جائزة أحسن كتاب في مجال الرواية - معرض القاهرة الدولي للكتاب (1994), الجائزة الأولى - معرض كتاب المرأة العربية (1995)
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ثلاثية غرناطة Paperback | Pages: 502 pages
Rating: 4.29 | 38039 Users | 6768 Reviews

Define Epithetical Books ثلاثية غرناطة

Title:ثلاثية غرناطة
Author:رضوى عاشور
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 502 pages
Published:2009 by دار الشروق (first published 1994)
Categories:Novels. Fiction

Rendition Conducive To Books ثلاثية غرناطة

ثلاثية غرناطة هي ثلاثية روائية تتكون من ثلاث روايات للكاتبة المصرية رضوى عاشور و هم على التوالي: غرناطة - مريمة - الرحيل.

وتدور الأحداث في مملكة غرناطة بعد سقوط جميع الممالك الإسلامية في الأندلس، و تبدأ أحداث الثلاثية في عام 1491م، وهو العام الذي سقطت فيه غرناطة بإعلان المعاهدة التي تنازل بمقتضاها (أبو عبد الله محمد الصغير) آخر ملوك غرناطة عن ملكه لملكي قشتالة وأراجون، وتنتهى بمخالفة آخر أبطالها الأحياء (عليّ) لقرار ترحيل المسلمين حينما يكتشف أن الموت في الرحيل عن الأندلس و ليس في البقاء.

Rating Epithetical Books ثلاثية غرناطة
Ratings: 4.29 From 38039 Users | 6768 Reviews

Weigh Up Epithetical Books ثلاثية غرناطة
This novel tells the story of an Arab family living in Granada, Spain when this city falls to the Catholic Monarchs, ending the 700 year Muslim rule in that country. This is a deeply moving historical novel that brings the devastation of the Reconquest and Spanish Inquisition to life. Read from today's perspective of the confrontation between Christians and Muslims, the novel leaves you with a sense of the tremendous loss suffered by both Islamic societies and the world in general that came at

Recommendation: this book started off slow and dull (the Arabic writing style is quite challenging I have to say). It got exciting later on. The book tells the story of a family from Granada through their journey after the ban of Islam in Spain around the 1600s. The escape, torture and exile of the different family members across the generations depict patterns that occur any country struck by war in any time or place (in other words, this is a timeless issue). No matter how much people evolve,

A historical novel set in Granada after the fall of the Islamic empire in Andalusia to the Spanish. The story was highly readable and enjoyable. I know little about the treatment of Muslims by the Spanish but this story paints an awful picture.

Thoughtful approach to the time period of 1492. Useful information about how a Muslim family in Granada, Spain was forced to convert to Christian ways and beliefs or else. The final chapter was a big surprise and the book is number one in a trilogy. Excellent reading material for high school and underclassmen in college.

I'm so shocked that this book isn't more popular in English. I couldn't even find a copy on amazon and had to request it from another library to be delivered to me! What a shame! This is a fantastic book that deserves to be read more!I've been seeking out books that are set in Spain, especially during the time when it was controlled by the Moors, for my upcoming trip this summer (to Spain!). This was one of the highest rated ones, and I do agree that it was quite good.Within the first few pages,

May 4, 2018, at 6:02 PM on Friday. Name of the book: Granada. Name of the writer: Radwa Ashour.A number of pages: 515.Radwa Ashour skillfully weaves a history of Granadan rule and an Arabic world into a novel that evokes cultural loss and the disappearance of a vanquished population. The novel follows the family of Abu Jaafar, the bookbinderhis wife, widowed daughter-in-law, her two children, and his two apprenticesas they witness Christopher Columbus and his entourage in a triumphant parade

I heard so much about this book that I got so excited when I managed to find it in a book fair. The ideas of the stories are great, and the time period is very interesting as I had no idea about what happened in this era of history. Jut to summarize I did not enjoy the book simply because after I finished reading it I felt frustrated. So many characters but the follow through on the characters is not there. Also the descriptions of the events are very shallow, the authors passes very quickly and