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O Alienista Paperback | Pages: 56 pages
Rating: 4.07 | 8201 Users | 366 Reviews

Define About Books O Alienista

Title:O Alienista
Author:Machado de Assis
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 56 pages
Published:August 2nd 2006 by Luso-Brazilian Books (first published 1881)
Categories:Fiction. Classics. Cultural. Brazil. Literature

Narration Concering Books O Alienista

Clássico da literatura brasileira, este texto de Machado de Assis continua sendo, cento e trinta anos depois de sua publicação original, uma das mais devastadoras observações sobre a insanidade a que pode chegar a ciência. Tão palpitante quanto de leitura prazerosa, O alienista é uma dessas joias da ficção da literatura mundial.
Médico, Simão Bacamarte passa a se interessar pela psiquiatria, iniciando um estudo sobre a loucura em Itaguaí, onde funda a Casa Verde - um típico hospício oitocentista -, arregimentando cobaias humanas para seus experimentos. O que se segue é uma história surpreendente e atual em seu debate sobre desvios e normalidade, loucura e razão.

Declare Books Toward O Alienista

Original Title: O Alienista
ISBN: 0850515068 (ISBN13: 9780850515060)
Edition Language: Portuguese
Characters: Simão Bacamarte, Dona Evarista, Crispim Soares, Padre Lopes, Porfírio
Setting: Itaguaí(Brazil)

Rating About Books O Alienista
Ratings: 4.07 From 8201 Users | 366 Reviews

Evaluation About Books O Alienista
Machado de Assis for me is one of the best Brazilian story-tellers. The novella The Alienist deals with the issue of sanity. Who is crazy and who is not? That is the central question in this story. Is Dr. Bacamarte himself sane? Till now, madness has been thought a small island in an ocean of sanity. I am beginning to suspect that it is not an island at all but a continent. Read and enjoy. Recommended.

"He had found in himself the perfect, undeniable case of insanity. He possessed wisdom, patience, tolerance, truthfulness, loyalty, and moral fortitudeall the qualities that go to make an utter madman."There's an episode of Cheers where affable town drunk, Norm, gets a promotion at his job. (It's one of those rare Cheers story lines that provides any indication of life outside the bar.) Because of his kind nature, Norm is tasked with being the corporate "hatchet man," meaning it's up to him to

So.Fucking.Good.Real review to follow, hopefully sometime soon.

Sanity is a subject I've grown increasingly interested in as I've gotten older. I used to see it as a black and white matter. Some people are sane, others insane. Easy as that. This was a cozy idea of mine as a child at least. I kept far away from the black sheep of my family - an ancient great aunt with a lifetime's wake of miserable holiday antics due to her undiagnosed narcissism - and I got used to what I perceived was textbook sanity. Although I do remember once in middle school miserably

Before Sigmund Freud, there was Simão Bacamarte!

3,5*Very amusing

I spent more than a month trying to read this book and its less than 80 pages. Oh well